Quiet Focus Series

Have you thought about trying powerlifting……

But then remembered that you get nervous in front of people, and anxious about hearing your name broadcast out loud. Or are just feeling overwhelmed with starting out with all the experinced lifters around you?

We want you to experience a real competition where, the only accommodations made are in atmosphere and not with the rules.

We at North Midlands Powerlifting,in partnership with @shawmind_ (our focus Zone and Mental wellness partners) want to give everyone an opportunity for a fantastic first competition.  We are holding a special, inclusive competition where you can experience all of the challenges of lifting in a comp, with refs and commands but without the unnecessary hype that we know can take some getting used to.

North Midlands recognises that barriers exist to people trying lifting and we want to see those challenges dismantled.

If you are a lifter or know a lifter who would benefit from this “first comp” experience, let us know.

What to Expect

What's Required From You

Saturday 11th March 2023

Quiet Focus series v1.0

@Nottingham Strong

20th May 2023

Quiet Focus series v1.1

@United Strength and Conditioning Hinckley


"2015 was an all time low for my mental health, with peak anxiety levels. Having something like this would have got me into lifting sooner.

My vision is to make this already accessible sport even more accessible, for some the idea of a big bang flashy competition can be debilitating. Not just for the athlete, but for their families too. I know of many lifters who's parents can't come and see them lift because they just can't be in that environment.

James Brincat-Smith, Chairman, North Midlands

"At regular competitions whether I am competing, refereeing or even just spectating, I usually have to seek a quiet area, away from the all of the noise. The loud music, bright lights and crowding can be overwhelming. I hope that these quiet focus competitions will provide a more inclusive environment and encourage others like me to get involved with the sport."

Gigi Nicolson, 2022 European Jnr Bench Press Champion

Autism & Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) | ShawmindAutism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are both conditions that affect a person from an early age and can greatly impact their development and social functioning. Whilst these disorders are often found independently of one another you will notice when reading this brochure that they do share some similarities and in some cases these conditions will both affect a single individual at the same time. They both unfortunately do not have a cure, but instead treatments exist to manage the symptoms and to improve the quality of life of the sufferer. This brochure will outline the basics of each of these disorders, as well as showing how often they occur and what treatments are available to improve the symptoms. We will look at these disorders individually and will then briefly touch on the instances where they both affect the same individual. It is important to note that in this brochure we will be using the terms Autism and ADHD. Whilst we do appreciate that both of these conditions can be broken down into other disorders or sub-groups and sub-classifications, such as a selection of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Attention Deficit Disorder, these are beyond the scope of this brochure. We need to also highlight that in many instances the research and general information in the area looks at the disorders when they appear in children. This is because these are developmental disorders that need to be present since early childhood. This does not mean that adults are not suffering, in many instances without a diagnosis or the help that they deserve. Where we can we shall endeavour to include information that also pertains to adults.
Identity and Mental Health | ShawmindIdentity is a mental concept which provides a sense of continuity within oneself, a perception of your place around others and in the world. This sense of identity enables an individual to function independently and consistent with their own beliefs and values. Given the fragile nature of adolescent emotional development, many young individuals often struggle with identity issues and have difficulty identifying themselves or knowing their place in the world. This is known as ‘identity distress’ or is sometimes referred to as an identity crisis or confusion. Identity issues represent a negative emotional state and is not a mental disorder. Older adults can also suffer from identity issues, although this appears to be more prevalent among young individuals. It is also common for young people to struggle fitting in with peers, especially for those who do not have any profound interests or for individuals who lack strong social and communication skills. Young people may adopt labels depending on their self-perception and understanding, which can affect their mental health. Suffering from other mental health issues can also affect an individual’s self-perception and can impact identity. Inversely, experiencing identity issues can make an individual more likely to suffer from other mental health conditions, such as depression. Although this guide places an emphasis on young people’s identities, anyone can be affected by the issues discussed in this content and it is important to talk to someone and seek support if you are suffering from a mental health condition.